Monday, May 4, 2015

Final Post

  • My favorite in class writing was the freewrite about happiness because it made me happy writing about it and i liked the way i wrote it. I wrote in this poetic kind of way.
  • My least favorite writing was the one where we had to put the story in order based on the pictures we got and had to write it a story for each picture. i didnt like it because it got me really frustrated and it was hard working in a group to figure it out.
  • I did better writing when i had one topic to freewrite about like when it was a one word topic or a broad topic. My freewrites got shorter as the year went on. My writing had better detail and style when i could use my life/experience as a basis or reference. The most profound thing was that i wrote better when the topic was one word or more broad and that i write better when i can use my life or experience, its obvious and important because it shows who i am as writer and the genre of writing i excel in.
  • I would change the detail and the level of thought i put into some of my work because i think it would have made me a better writer if i tried harder.
  • I liked writing the This I Believe Essay and researching others work because i like writing on a deeper level like that. I feel like it helps me learn more about myself and i love giving others a different side or thought that they may not have considered or thought of before.
  • I didnt like the Sex Education for 17  year olds because i felt it didnt really portray my thoughts and all i would have actually said and it was hard having to work with others and combine view points. 
  • I would have worked harder on the person Description and each editing process to make sure it turned out better each time. I would have actually gave it a chance.
  • I learned that i really dont like having to merge ideas/beliefs into one when working in groups and that i prefer writing when it takes a deep level of thinking to get and idea or story across.
  • Personally, I would have like to have more writing assignments like the This I Believe Essay because those help me  grow and increase my love for writing, i dont like free writes that much. 
  • I think i deserve a C+ or B- because i missed alot of days and i didnt put forth as much effort as i could have into some of the writing assignments.

Friday, May 1, 2015


I never really wanted a dog but me and this dog were super close and when we went to joplin i would play with her and walk her. JIms sister had anotherl chihuahua that they were going to mate jenny with but he got killed so jims mom said she wanted me to have the dog. when i came home one weekend there was a cage sitting in my room and there sat my new dog. she was so precious, she had big eyes and a fluffy tail. she was so small she couldnt barely jump on the couch. she had a favorite toy. it was this monkey that had a bell in it and she would cuddle with it and play with it everywhere. so to train her to jump on the couch wed take her monkey and put him on the couch and shed back up to the hallway and come running so fast so she could get enought momentum to jump on the couch. Pretty soon she became my everthing. she slept with me and i took her on walks around the neighborhood and car rides of course. Her and my cat were like best friends. they would chase eachother around and play. It was so cute. then the dark ages came. I decided jenny would be a good mom and my friend had a male long haired chihuahua so we decided to breed her. She had too many babies in her that she had internal bleeding  and the puppies started being born premature, soon after the 4 premature one, jenny died in my arms. Shes now buried in my backyard with a little headstone that says, “If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.” I always go out and talk to her. After she died my cat was sad and hed wander around the house looking for her and meowing. Which made everything more sad.

Then the dark ages came.Jenny finally got pregnat  and we awere so ecxitedshe was so cute as a pregnant dogggy. she got so big and round. eventually though she got really really big, and we got worried. we took her to thte vet and they said she had 5 babies in her and they are only able to carry up to 4. and that the baies might be smashing her organs. but she was doing okayso we took her home and just watched out for her. then a baby came. it came out dead. a=but jenny still licked her baby and was there but she she turned around my mom had to take the baby and get rid of it because it wasnt alive and jenny eventually got really sad and would come take her pawa dna scratch at my mom then lead her back to the spot where she d=had hr babies and look at her like, “where are my babies” it was so heartbreaking. Jenny got worse as the days went on. She had a nother pup and he actually came ot alive , we name d him little lbit.  and she wouldlick him and watch him. She was a good mother, but little bit was too young that he could hopen his mouth to get the milk he needed to surivive. and 24 hours later, little bit was dead. my mom had stayed hom eall that time to watc jenny and i had been working so when i was finally off i stayed by her side while my  mom wnet to get groceries. the secon mom left jennys eyes started to fade away.. it was like i could see her spirit fading away. i started crying and holding her begging god to not take my dog away. i was nappoing my fingers in front of her to wake her up, w. My mom walked through the door and i said, “sometihings wrong.” jmy mom grabbed money to take her the vvetr but by the time we got to the garage door, jennys eyes hhad been abandoned by all sense of life. My mom croutched down h,lding her lifeless body tellin gher she was sorry and that she loved her, all i could do was sit on the couch. I was angry. I was mad at myseof. I blamed myself for her death. IT was up to me to decide if i wanted to breed her or not and breeding killed her. I couldnt talk
for months. I still avoid talking about her. She was my baby girl, i didnt want anyone to touch her stuff or move anything, i wanted everything left how it was when she was alive.

I believe

i believe cats are better than dogs
i believe every kid should learn to be independant
i believe religion has cause people to be cruel and judgemental
i believe  im sexy
i believe you should wait 4 years before you propose to someone
i believe your best friend can be your soul mate
i believe you can fall in love with any gender
i believe a guys football team reflects their personality
i believe aries and pisces should not be in a relationship
i believe girls be bitches
i believe heart ache and pain are necessary to become the best person you can be

I believe religion has caused people to be cruel and judgemental
i believe you can fall in love with any gender
i believe heartache and pain are necessary to become the best person you can be.

I believe you can fall in love with any gender. I think that the norm of a society is that girls fall in love with boys and boys fall in love with girls. But i think that even “straight” people could fall in love with the same gender, that doesnt mean it will happen or that it will even happen often but i dont think love has a gender. Theres a quote that says, “You dont fall in love with a gender, you fall in love with a soul.” I find this very true, if you are dating someone and someone asks you why you love that person you dont say because of their gender, you say because of their smile, or their laugh, they make you happy, they are there for you or maybe that they make you a better person. All the things you love about the opposite gender you could love about the same gender, it is possible to find love in any person no matter your orientation, i just think that depending on what orientation you identify with makes it less likely that you fall in love with the opposite or same gender, but not impossible. Its sad that people will make others feel bad or insecure about who they love, love is a beautiful thing and if you fall in love with someone you should be able to be happy and love who you are and who you love without being judged.