Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Creed; A set of beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions.

Overall looking at creeds, most of them are found or mainly defined using a religious standpoint. The list of religious creeds is long for example: Biblical creeds, Primary creeds, Interdenominational creeds, Creeds of Sects, and so on. These creeds have helped to shape our world by setting guidelines for life and how to treat others and ourselves. Creeds we may not have thought of like the Preamble to the Constitution though have helped us live. They help us to keep religious creeds alive. I also think there are other creeds we didn't realize were creeds. When you create a business you create a mission statement, which is basically the statement for why that business is there and how it well help others and the employees plan to help their customers. So wouldn't that be a creed as well? There are a million possible creeds out there, its up to you to find one that will make you a better person and give your life meaning. 

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