Friday, February 20, 2015

Love Is Ignorant

I've had a few relationships, a few where I thought I was in love and I was happy and care free. Then the day came when I truly did fall in love. In that moment I realized all the other times I thought I had been in love wasn't really love. If that makes sense.. Anyways, so then when it finally hit me that THIS is what being in love felt like, I was excited. I was excited to share love and feel love even stronger than what I had ever thought was possible. One thing I never expected was to wake up 2 years later and realize that love was ignorant. I dated this girl who I thought was perfect, I did everything to make her happy, yes we fought and we got mad but I never gave up, I always tried. I think I knew at a certain point that it wasn't going to end good, but I still wanted to see the best in her. I heard and saw the signs, I knew in my heart she was two faced and all wrong, but when youre in love its hard to believe that bad. In the end all the signs I had seen but chose to ignore were clear. I remember the flowers she got that weren't from me, the dirty messages to someone who wasn't me. I got the flashbacks to how she would be protective over her phone and the way she would get so mad if I even said something against her word (because as you know, liars dont like to be called out). Everything I chose to ignore over her questionable faithfulness came back to me 2 years later when she married and had a baby with the one guy she swore she never liked or loved. And in that moment my heart broke for the first time and my world shattered because everything I believed about love was wrong. In that moment I believed love was ignorant.

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