Wednesday, April 29, 2015

This I Believe Essay Repsonses

"Love is Stronger Than Death"
  i found her essay inspirational and she made a sad story seem happy. She put things into a perspective i hadn't thought about when she said "he will live as long as one of us is alive to remember and to love him."

"The Basic Rules Still Apply"
I never realized how things i grew up by really have to precedent in the adult world. Things would be better if we lived by the sames as we did when we were younger.

"Energized by Paradox"
I find this essay kind of confusing and interesting at the same time. It has a very intriguing and deep thinking writing style. the same kind of way i like to write. I love love love how it ends, "The question is, will we allow ourselves to be defeated by our paradoxes or energized by them.?"

The Soul

I think your soul starts pure and depending on how you live, can taint your soul. Which is how i believe in religious aspects one decides if they are good or evil or bad or good. i believe in some sort of afterlife and i think it's the soul that moves on. I believe its all in your body but the deepest part of your soul resides in your heart. i think you have a soul mate and when your heart feels love from another soul, then your soul feels attached to that other being and other soul.

The Heart and Fist

The purpose of the heart and the fist is to show people what the world is really like after war. its to give insight to war time and see a different side than what you hear in the news. i think the audience is for young adults and up. because he wants to inform young adults of what is going on around them and also inform adults of what else happens from war.


Happiness is when im cuddling with my cat and hes purring against my hand. Whenever i come home and he meows at me so ill pick him up and give him a kiss. Happiness is the way my nephew smiles when he sees me and when he gives me a big hug. or when he opens presents for his birthday or christmas. when my nephew makes me something sweet or gets me something (like my batman figure for my birthday)  Happiness is when the sun is out and i got my music on so loud i cant even hear my own thoughts. When im in the arms of my significant other and i feel no pain and everything in my past is erased. when i get a new tattoo or get paid every other friday. the way my mom cries when i make her something sweet for her birthday, or when i see the pride in her eyes when i do something right. Happiness is being surrounded by the people i love, the people who love me, and the simple things that others take for granted.

Person Bio

At the park today I saw this girl, probably about 23. Her beautiful hair, big brown eyes, and  long face caught my attention. She seemed to have great hygiene and i saw some really cool tattooes. she showed off a preppy style but at the same time seemed kind of trashy with her thong hanging out and wearing a shirt too short for her.  i think she may even be a little country because she was wearing cowgirl boots.  She must be rich because she drove a nice new yellow mustang, and along with the nice clothes I can tell she’s also spoiled because she doesnt look like the type of girl that has ever worked a day in her life. But she was skinny and had a nice ass so she probably works out and looks very athletic. She seemed tall but i could see her legs are shorter than her torso and that her legs are tan.(im assuming she goes to a tanning bed).She seemed a little sad so I decided to go talk to her. The wind came and oh my goodness she smelled nice. It must be from from Victoria Secret because i can pick that perfume out of anything. Anyways so I told her I liked her car alot and that mustangs are my favorite and she was got really talkative when I told her that, probably because she just likes it when people realize that shes rich. She was very cocky about it and after awhile she just got rude.  The way she talked portrayed an old soul. After a while of talking she must have gotten bored because she looked down at her phone and looked all studious then she soon looked miserable and she left.

Point of View (video)

I was just having nice day at work sitting on the bench looking at some top secret information when this annoying pigeon comes up and coos at me for my doughnut. i tried giving him a piece but apparently that wasn’t good enough because he attacked me! out of fear i threw my doughnut and dropped my briefcase computer. The bird flew into the case where it closed on him. Then things just went from annoying to bad. He was pressing buttons and shooting lasers at people. I tried to get him to come out of the case by holding the doughnut he wanted so bad above a fire. He seemed to go for it until i moved a little to quick, to which point he just flew back into the case and flashed a tiny missile at me, so i threw the doughnut in the air to pull him out so i could grab it, but the doughnut came down and landed on the red button and started to send a missile to Russia! I snapped into action and flew after the missile where the bird found me and tried preventing me from saving the world, so i released the doughnut that was stuck in my case and watched as the bird went after it, then i quickly launched my tiny missile and blew up the big one before it could reach its destination. I safely got back down to the ground. What a crazy day at work.

Stress (different points of view)

I really liked this video because it shows and gives proof that you are in control of your life in more ways than you know. I never even knew there was such a thing as  a health psychologist. it honestly sounds like a boring job. anyways, I agree with her. stress isnt always bad. the bad comes when youre stressed all the time and have that chronic stress. but besides that i think its good and it does help you accomlish things. i think the reason why people who worried about stress being unhealthy had an increase in death was because worrying about it just caused more stress. and if they are already stressed thats the last thing they need. i think that oxytocin thing was really interesting. i knew it had to do with love and was nicknamed the cuddle whatever but i didnt know it was released during stress but now it kind of makes sense when you consider that when you get stressed you crave having someone to talk to. over all it was really interesting.

So today my not girlfriend is moving in, and im having a hard time figuring out how i feel about it. I mean its not for me. its for my grandma so its good to know that someone will be there tro take care of her, but im also looking at it from the angle of the fact that my last 2 relationships didnt work out and they lived with me. im staying optimistic and i dont show her that im scared. but i am. i want it to work and i dont want this to ruin things later. i just need to make sure that we get space from eachother. another thing is that i have to get to by midnight and that doesnt happen when im around her. so hopefully since shes going to be living there, i can get more sleep because we wont be thinking about how we only have a limited amount of time before she has to leave again. she supposed to be packing now and i really hope she is because i get really frustrated when people do things last minute and i feel like shes going to do that. and it takes alot to get me mad but ill be upset. i can tell shes falling for me and that makes me happy but also when she realizes shes falling she gets kind of rude to me and it does hurt a little. i hope that starts to slow down because i dont like some of her comments, even if they are jokes. we will figure it out though. im optimistic.

Im giving this girl a hard time, i know in the past i havent always been the best but now i now im good and im trying to show her this by the fact that her mom likes me. Bri didnt ask about Caroline moving in, her mom did, i figured that would make her less scared by knowing that her mom likes the girl, but no. shes still cautious. i can tell shes scared because her mind starts to doubt and im doing all i can to show her this will be different. her friends dont help. they give her that stupid look and make her feel bad but i think deep down bri knows it will all work out. im hard to have, but im worth it. both bri and caroline are fighters and i know they wont give up on me even if it does get hard.

Im so happy that bri has found someone that actually cares about her and her family. i can tell caroline has really got her shit together and im happy that i can help caroline out. I mean im doing it for my mom but still its like a triple win. bri gets to see her more, caroline gets to be in a stable environment, and i will always know that my mom is taken care of. i know bri is worried about caroline moving in but as long as they both get space from eachother i think it will be fine. caroline is protective and it makes me happy to know that should bri ever be in trouble or anything that caroline would be there for her. shes never had someone like that and for the first time i really like the girl shes talking to.


Today im feeling blue. My mind is going crazy right now. My grandma is in the hospital and she seems to be getting worse. Im trying to stay positive but i cant help to just plan for the worst and start preparing myself. Im going to go see her tonight with my friends and bring her flowers. I think im more worried about losing her because of my mom and nephew. I dont want william to have to feel such loss when hes so young. I dont want him to feel how i felt when i lost my grandpa. And for my mom i just know that shes going to go down into a deep dark hole and im sad for her because i dont like to see her hurting. Ill end up moving back in with her if my grandma doesnt make it just because she will need someone and if i put all my energy and emotion into making sure my mom is okay and making it, then maybe i wont hurt so bad. I feel blue when i see my grandma with the tubs coming from her face and the iv tubes in her arms. And i feel even more blue when i can tell that shes embarassed that im seeing her that way so i dont stay long. I feel blue again when i can tell she thinks it would be easier to die.