Wednesday, April 29, 2015

This I Believe Essay Repsonses

"Love is Stronger Than Death"
  i found her essay inspirational and she made a sad story seem happy. She put things into a perspective i hadn't thought about when she said "he will live as long as one of us is alive to remember and to love him."

"The Basic Rules Still Apply"
I never realized how things i grew up by really have to precedent in the adult world. Things would be better if we lived by the sames as we did when we were younger.

"Energized by Paradox"
I find this essay kind of confusing and interesting at the same time. It has a very intriguing and deep thinking writing style. the same kind of way i like to write. I love love love how it ends, "The question is, will we allow ourselves to be defeated by our paradoxes or energized by them.?"

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