Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Person Bio

At the park today I saw this girl, probably about 23. Her beautiful hair, big brown eyes, and  long face caught my attention. She seemed to have great hygiene and i saw some really cool tattooes. she showed off a preppy style but at the same time seemed kind of trashy with her thong hanging out and wearing a shirt too short for her.  i think she may even be a little country because she was wearing cowgirl boots.  She must be rich because she drove a nice new yellow mustang, and along with the nice clothes I can tell she’s also spoiled because she doesnt look like the type of girl that has ever worked a day in her life. But she was skinny and had a nice ass so she probably works out and looks very athletic. She seemed tall but i could see her legs are shorter than her torso and that her legs are tan.(im assuming she goes to a tanning bed).She seemed a little sad so I decided to go talk to her. The wind came and oh my goodness she smelled nice. It must be from from Victoria Secret because i can pick that perfume out of anything. Anyways so I told her I liked her car alot and that mustangs are my favorite and she was got really talkative when I told her that, probably because she just likes it when people realize that shes rich. She was very cocky about it and after awhile she just got rude.  The way she talked portrayed an old soul. After a while of talking she must have gotten bored because she looked down at her phone and looked all studious then she soon looked miserable and she left.

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