Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Happiness is when im cuddling with my cat and hes purring against my hand. Whenever i come home and he meows at me so ill pick him up and give him a kiss. Happiness is the way my nephew smiles when he sees me and when he gives me a big hug. or when he opens presents for his birthday or christmas. when my nephew makes me something sweet or gets me something (like my batman figure for my birthday)  Happiness is when the sun is out and i got my music on so loud i cant even hear my own thoughts. When im in the arms of my significant other and i feel no pain and everything in my past is erased. when i get a new tattoo or get paid every other friday. the way my mom cries when i make her something sweet for her birthday, or when i see the pride in her eyes when i do something right. Happiness is being surrounded by the people i love, the people who love me, and the simple things that others take for granted.

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